Posts Tagged: winter sailing

2019 New Years Sail

Our 8th Annual New Years Day Sail took place at the Poise Cove Marina. Like the last couple previous years it was a new years day float with no wind.

But Dennis Olson and Robert Dall took the boat for a couple turns on the water in the marina.

Some spirits and cookies and stories of Christmas cheer was shared with everyone looking forward to the 2019 sailing season on the Sechelt inlet.

2018 New Years Sail

Our 7th Annual New Years Day Sail took place at the Poise Cove Marina.

It was a sunny but calm day out of the Porpoise Bay with Dennis Olson and Ken Olson along with Robert Dall all taking turns out on a laser to get the first sail of the year in!

2017 New Years Sail

Our Annual New Years Day Sail at the Poise Cove Marina with Dennis and Robert taking to the water this year. We were lucky with the lack or rain, snow or freezing temperatures and just enough wind for us to enjoy a couple tacks around the bay.

Photos by Kevin Mcevoy who also mentioned that this is the 6th year of the annual new years day sail!

When: January 1st, 2017
Where: Poise Cove Marina

Dennis Olson in his traditional viking hat takes to the Sechelt Inlet on new years day.

Robert Gives a salute to 2017 on his New Years Sail!