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2017 Sailing season begins!

With a late start due to a cold and wet spring we officially opened the 2017 sailing season on the shores of Porpoise Bay.

Kevin McEvoy and Dennis Olson out on the water and Ken Olson and Robert Dall prepping their boats for the season. It will be a great time to be out on the water and will always looking for more people and lasers out on the water.

It’s really easy to join our races you all you need to do is launch your laser anywhere on Porpoise Bay.

Kevin sailing along the waters of the Porpoise Bay on the Sechelt Inlet in his Laser Standard.
Kevin derigs his boat while Ken bring his boat in for a landing.

2017 New Years Sail

Our Annual New Years Day Sail at the Poise Cove Marina with Dennis and Robert taking to the water this year. We were lucky with the lack or rain, snow or freezing temperatures and just enough wind for us to enjoy a couple tacks around the bay.

Photos by Kevin Mcevoy who also mentioned that this is the 6th year of the annual new years day sail!

When: January 1st, 2017
Where: Poise Cove Marina

Dennis Olson in his traditional viking hat takes to the Sechelt Inlet on new years day.
Robert Gives a salute to 2017 on his New Years Sail!


Sailing Markers / Buoys

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) contacted the Sunshine Coast Sailing Association about an unnamed crap trap that was connected/tied/entangled to one of the sailing club’s racing markers. It was not our crap trap.

The markers of the Sunshine Coast Sailing Association are for facilitating our races only and are marked with (SCSA) Sunshine Coast Sailing Association, and any shellfish trap or buoy that is attached to our marker can be moved away from the club buoy without notice. If you have a question about our buoys contact Robert Dall at:

Please refer to DFO website for proper instruction on proper buoy setup.

2nd Annual Broken Tiller BBQ

Whenever the Sunshine Coast Sailing Association decided to have a BBQ in August, we seem to pick the only day it decides to rain!

Errol brought the steaks, Gregor, Kim, Thomas brought the salads, Dennis brought the grill and Robert brought the ice to keep everything chill until we were ready.

We thought we were safe on Sunday, August 20th when the crew had the 2nd annual Broken Tiller BBQ, and we had two hours of straight sailing with great sunshine and decent wind. We even buzzed the Sechelt Paddling Festival at the other end of the bay to say hello.

Luckily we just finished our steaks as we saw the rain coming down the Sechelt inlet. No time for seconds as the rain hit hard.

Don’t worry Mother Nature try again next year! We’re a hardy bunch.

5th Annual Poise Cove Classic

The 5th Annual Poise Cove Classic Regatta was held July 16th 2016. We had a total of 11 lasers out for the funnest Laser Regatta on the West Coast.

Thank you to Persephone Brewing Co for their support of the local sailing community.


Up the Inlet, Heavy Winds Sailing

Ken Olson, Dennis Olson, Kevin Mcevoy, Robert Dall and Thomas Andersson on the Victoria Day weekend went up the inlet to nine mile point where the Sechelt and Salmon inlets meet to experience some heavy wind sailing. We brought three lasers and used Dennis’s Bayliner as the chase / safety boat. A lot of fun was had by all with Robert, Kevin and Ken learning some new skills in heavy weather. Thomas with his speedpuck recorded a max boat speed of 12 knots. After having a late lunch in one of the Sheltered bays of the Sechelt Inlets Marine Provincial Park we decided Instead of trying to sail up wind back in those winds we decided to tow the boats back to the Porpoise Bay. With more than a few stories to tell the folks back home.

You might notice that most of photos are from light winds. We were a little busy in those winds to take picture. Next trip will try better!

Let the Sailing Begin

Members of the Sunshine Coast Sailing Association had an official start to the 2016 sailing season last week with racers out on Porpoise Bay on both Wednesday and Sunday of last week.

We look forward to seeing you out on the course this summer.

If you want to find out more about this group and what we do drop us a line at:

Sailing rigging up for the new year.
Sailors rigging up for the first time in the new year.
Dennis Olson heads out to the course on a blustery but sunny Sunday.

New Years Day Sail

What is starting to be an annual tradition with the SCSA started by Dennis Olson a couple years ago is a new years day sail.

Date and Time for this years sail is:

Time: 1:00pm
Date: January 1st, 2016
Poise Cove Marina


With a couple mast steps full of frozen water we didn’t get out on the water but a number of members showed up and had a great conversation and toast the new year in the beautiful sunshine of January 1st on Porpoise Bay.

Kevin, Errol, Gregor and Kim toasting to the new year and the sunshine of January First at the poise cove marina.
Kevin, Errol, Gregor and Kim toasting to the new year and the sunshine of January First at the poisecove marina. Photo by Robert Dall


Frist Inaugural Broken Tiller BBQ

burgers on grill
burgers on grill

It’s not the end of sailing season or Summer… yet. But we decided to have a BBQ on the dock while the weather is still nice and we can sit and enjoy the sunshine.


Here is are details:

Date: Sept 9th 
Sailing: 1pm – 3pm (roughly)
BBQ: 4pm – 6pm (roughly)
Cost: $5 For burger and refreshments.

Any revenue will go back into the sailing association fund.

This is not a regatta so club rules will apply.

Why do we call it the broken tiller BBQ?
Well Robert broke his tiller during a regatta one year and he though it was a cool name for a sailing BBQ.

Poise Cove Classic 2015 Recap

It was a cloudy and blustery Saturday July 11th, 2015 that welcomed the sailors of the SCSA to the 2015 Poise Cove Classic Regatta.

Winners of this years Poise Cove Regatta. 1st Richard Starling, 2nd Dennis Olson, 3rd Brian Fournier. Here is a collection of photos taken by Gary Bartrum.